20 Hilarious Questions to Ask a Guy and Make Him Laugh Out Loud!

If you are looking for a way to make your date night fun and memorable, why not try asking funny things to ask a guy? Not only will it break the ice and help you get to know each other better, but it is also sure to spark some laughter that will lighten the mood.

Plus, who doesn’t love having a good laugh? Whether you are in search of something cute or just want to be silly, these funny questions can be the perfect way to get the conversation going.

Fun Questions to Ask a Guy on a Date

When going on a date with a guy, it is important to make sure the conversation flows and that you both have an enjoyable time. One way to do so is by asking fun questions. Some great ideas include asking him about his hobbies, what he likes to do in his free time, or what his favorite type of food or movie genre is.

You can also ask him lighthearted questions such as who he would invite to a dinner party if he could choose anyone in the world and why, or if there was one superpower he had which would be be? These kinds of questions are sure to bring out some interesting conversations how to get a free blowjob and help you how to create sexual tension get to know each other better!

Creative Conversation Starters for Couples

Creative conversation starters for couples can help to get the conversation going and keep it interesting. Here are some ideas:

  • Talk about something funny that happened recently or share a joke.
  • Ask questions about each other’s hobbies and interests. What do you like to do in your free time?
  • Talk about a place you’ve always wanted to visit or somewhere special you’d like to go together someday.
  • Share an embarrassing moment that happened recently and laugh together over it.
  • Exchange stories from childhood – what were some of your favorite memories growing up?


Shag is an online dating site that offers a unique way to meet someone special. It has a feature that allows users to search for funny things to ask a guy, which can help break the ice and make conversation more interesting.

The site also provides great advice on how to start conversations, as well as tips on how to keep conversations going. With all of this in mind, Shag is definitely worth checking out if you’re looking for some fun and interesting questions to ask a guy.


When it comes to funny things to ask a guy, FabSwingers is one of the best dating apps out there. It’s an app designed specifically for people who want to explore their sexuality and all kinds of fun activities with other singles or couples. The app has a great selection of questions that can be used to get conversations started and help break the ice in any situation.

Flirty Questions to Break the Ice

Flirty questions are a great way to break the ice when it comes to dating. They can help you get to know your date better, while also showing them that you are interested in getting to know more about them.

Some example of flirty questions could include asking what their favorite thing about themselves is, or how they like spending their free time. It’s important to keep the conversation lighthearted and not too serious – after all, it’s meant to be fun!

What is the funniest question you’ve ever been asked on a date?

The funniest question I’ve ever been asked on a date was, If you could have any superpower, what would it be? It was so unexpected and random that I couldn’t help but laugh. We ended up having a great conversation about the different powers we’d choose and why! Asking questions like this is a great way to start an interesting and fun conversation with someone you’re interested in.

What kind of humor do you appreciate most when talking to someone you’re interested in?

I love dry humor! I think it’s so much fun to see someone crack a subtle, witty joke that requires a bit of thought to understand. It shows they have a sharp wit and are always quick on their feet – two qualities I find incredibly attractive in someone!